가장 말도 많고 백신에 예민한 Exchange 양입니다.
•운영체제 공통 제외항목 적용
•perfor제외m the relevant file-based scanning exclusions listed in Knowledge Base articles:
KB328841 - Exchange and antivirus software
KB823166 - Overview of Exchange Server 2003 and antivirus software
KB245822 - Recommendations for troubleshooting an Exchange Server computer with antivirus software installed
•Exchange 5.5/2000/2003의 경우입니다.
–Exchange databases and log files.
–Exchange .mta files (default location: \Exchsrvr\Mtadata).
–Exchange message tracking log files (default location: \Exchsrvr\Server_Name.log).
–Virtual server folders (default location: \Exchsrvr\Mailroot).
–Site Replication Service (SRS) files (default location: \Exchsrvr\Srsdata).
–Internet Information Service (IIS) system files (default location: \%SystemRoot%\System32\Inetsrv).
–Internet Mail Connector files (default location: \Exchsrvr\IMCData).
–The working folder that is used to store streaming temporary files that are used for message conversion. By default, this working folder is located at \Exchsrvr\MDBData.
–A temporary folder that is used in conjunction with offline maintenance utilities such as Eseutil.exe. By default, this folder is the location that you run the .exe files from, but you can configure this when you run the utility.
–Recommendations for troubleshooting an Exchange Server computer with antivirus software installed
•Exchange 2007의 파일 수준 바이러스 백신 검색